Tech Lunch North in Phoenix

Tech Lunch North – #techlunchnorth

When: Thursdays at 12:30pm
Where: Chino Bandido in North Phoenix
What: Get together with other community technical people for a fun lunch. Talk about technology, social media or whatever comes up!

The Tech Lunch North back-story

I live in North Phoenix, near I-17 and Bell Rd. I wish there were more live music venues, more good restaurants, more breweries, more pubs with good beer, more events in the area.

While I’m in no position to open up any type of venue at this time, I do have the ability to start/coordinate/promote/plan/help with events. I’ve always been impressed with the chatter & turnout of Tech Lunch South that I hear about on Twitter.

Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a Tech Lunch North? Now there is.


While I was looking into starting the event, I just so happened to stumble upon the site, which already had a listing for a tech lunch north event.

I was excited, “it already exists!”, but as I journeyed over to Chino Bandido the first week to try and meetup with the group, I was sourly disappointed. There was no one there.

Eventually, I found out that Tech Lunch North was started by Steele Price and contacted him via email. Turns out, tech lunch north was just him and a couple of co-workers and it wasn’t being promoted much.

I took the opportunity and started promoting Tech Lunch North on Twitter, Eventification, got the event a shout out at Social Media Club Phoenix and am looking into other ways to raise awareness on the event.

#TechLunchNorth turnout

These days, we normally get around 6 people to show up and hang out for #techlunchnorth, but we’d like to get even more people to attend!

So you, yes you reading this, you’re invited to Tech Lunch North on Thursday’s at 12:30pm at Chino Bandido. Spread the word. Hope to see you there.

For the most up to date info on Tech Lunch North, search on Twitter for the #techlunchnorth hashtag.

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