Lots of us are stuck behind a desk all day, sitting in a chair. It’s repetitive. We get bored. We get tired of the same ol’ routine.
To save ourselves from insanity, we sometimes get creative, silly or just plain weird.
Thanks to a great idea from Kevin Spidel, today’s saving grace is the chair dance.
My chair dance
The Kevin Spidel chair dance that started it all
Zaneology chair dance
Jeremy Vaught’s chair dance
These were all recorded using the service 12seconds.tv, which allows 12 seconds maximum per video clip, so you gotta make it quick!
Your turn! Join our Dance Dance Chair-volution
So now that we I have embarrassed myself, it’s your turn! I invite you to join our chair dancing party. Give us your worst best!
Tag your video clip/tweet/whatever with #chairdance #chairdancing and post a link here in the comments so that we’re sure to check yours out too!
Awesome! 🙂