Below is the slideshow that was used in the Ignite Phoenix 6 presentation “Welcome to Arizona, the surveillance state”.
Ross Trumble gave the talk at Ignite Phoenix 6 and he killed it. I’m psyched on the turnout and proud to be part of such an awesome presentation, message and movement.
The talk content was co-authored by Ross Trumble & I. The slideshow was created by me (working closely with Ross, of course).
We initially submitted the talk as a dual presentation (where both Ross & I would present), but the Ignite Phoenix team asked us to make it one person. I’m really happy that we decided that Ross would do the talk, as he did an amazing job. Kudos Ross, you rocked it.
Hopefully the Ignite Phoenix team will have the video online soon.
The cameras are coming down in November!
To learn more, go to and