Upload and Tweet mobile video on Android

I recently started using Swift, which is a Twitter client for Android. One of the main reasons I switched away from the Twidroid client was due to the lack of video support. Swift supports both Yfrog & TwitVid video services, making it easy to upload & tweet out video links while on the go.

I tested out both services after capturing some video of a chipmunk at the top of North mountain here in Phoenix, AZ. Below are the results.



I like TwitVid better. Not only because it gives you a larger video, but also because of the name. A link to “Yfrog.com” doesn’t tell you much, unless you already know the service. A link to TwitVid.com though, would immediately make you think of video, even if you have never seen a link from that site before.

Do you upload & tweet out video links while on the go? If so what service do you recommend?

2 Comments on “Upload and Tweet mobile video on Android”

  1. Thanks for posting this, Wes. As a fellow android user, I’m always on the lookout for different/better options of sharing media using my super fly G1 😉 I’ve been a 12 seconds kind of guy for the past several months. Not a huge fan of emailing the video with my comments in the subject line, but until reading your post, I was unaware of other options such as Swift. I wrote Twidroid off a while back due to its clunkyness and ability to slow my phone down to snail like speeds, and have been rocking TwitterRide as my app of choice (been pretty happy with it). Looking forward to trying out Swift and using it as a video sharing alternative until 12 seconds releases their Android app. Thanks again for sharing…

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